How to publish BigCommerce products to Mothership

Publishing products

Publishing products to Mothership from BigCommerce is really easy. Open your BigCommerce admin and navigate to the product index page. Then, for each product you want to make available to Mothership, click on the product's channels drop down and then click on Manage channels. Note, you may need to have BigCommerce's update products view in order to do this successfully.

Next, BigCommerce will display the manage channels popup for the selected product. Make sure Mothership Supplier is checked and then click Save.

Mothership will automatically pull in your latest changes about once per minute. However, you may want to jump start the process by opening up the Mothership Vendor Portal, clicking on the products link in the left, and then clicking the Sync Products button at the top.

This will trigger a product synchronization to run in the background. Wait a few second and then refresh the page to see the new products pulled in.

Note, Mothership does some basic validation on each product it pulls into its platform. You may want to checkout our article on how to resolve validation errors:

Unpublishing products

Unpublishing products from Mothership is a similar process to publishing products. Again, you'll want to open up the product index page in your BigCommerce store. Next, click on the channels drop down on the row of the product you want to remove from Mothership and then click on the Manage channels.

In the Manage channels popup, uncheck Mothership Supplier and then click Save.

Mothership will automatically remove the product from Mothership. That process usually takes about a minute, but you can speed it up by navigating to the products page of the Mothership Vendor portal and clicking the sync products button at the top. You'll need to wait a couple of seconds and then refresh the page. You should no longer see the product you removed listed in Mothership.

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