Shipping Rates with Inclusive & Exclusive Ranges

Mothership allows you to define a range of values when configuring either price-based or weight-based shipping rates. This range is inclusive for the minimum value and exclusive for the maximum value.


For the mathematically inclined, given some input value x, the range is defined as:

minimum_value ≥ x < maximum_value


[minimum_value, maximum_value)

Required minimum values

For each range, you must define a non-negative minimum value. Because minimum values are inclusive and maximum values are exclusive, in practice this means that one range's maximum value will often be the minimum value of the next range.

Rate ID Minimum Value Maximum Value
1 0 100
2 100 150

Optional maximum values

It is often helpful to not define an maximum value. For example, when you want to offer free shipping on orders over $100.00. In this case, you would not set a maximum value on one of your price-based shipping rates and Mothership will interpret any line_items.subtotal ≥ 100.00 as qualifying.

Rate ID Minimum Value Maximum Value
3 0 100
4 100 and up

Price Based Shipping Rate Examples

Consider a price-based shipping rate with min/max price range defined as 35.00 and 70.00. The table below shows when the rate would be applied to the order.

Order.LineItems.subtotal Rate applied?
34.99 No
35.00 Yes
35.01 Yes
69.99 Yes
70.00 No

Weight-based Shipping Rate Examples

Alternatively, consider a weight-based shipping rate with a minimum weight of 1 lbs and a maximum weight of 10 lbs. The table below shows when it would be applied to the order.

Order.LineItems.total_weight Rate applied?
0.99 lbs No
1 lbs Yes
1.01 lbs Yes
5.0 lbs Yes
9.99 lbs Yes
10 lbs No

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