Order Cancellation Management

With this latest update on Mothership, vendors can manage order cancellation requests initiated by their retailers through the vendor portal.

Cancellation Request Notification Set-Up

Suppliers should set up an email address where they want to receive notifications for the orders with cancellation request.

Go to https://vendor.mothership.fm/settings and set up the email address under Order cancellation request email addresses section and click 'Save'.

How it Works

  1. Orders with cancellation requests will be in "Action Required" status on the vendor portal's order page: https://vendor.mothership.fm/orders

  1. Select the order with the "action required" status to display the details such as the retailer's name, order ID, and the reason provided by the retailer for the cancellation.
  2. To approve or decline the request, simply click on either "Cancel Order" or "Reject Request" button within the order details page.

NOTE: Suppliers should coordinate directly with retailers to provide additional information or clarification regarding the cancellation request.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Suppliers should still cancel the accepted cancellation request order on their eCommerce platform.

If you come across any issues or have any queries about the order cancellation please feel free to contact support@mothership.fm.

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