How do I get products into my retailer's store?


Making your products available to your retail partners is a two step process.

  1. You publish products to Mothership from your ecommerce platform. The specific steps for doing this depend on the ecommerce platform you are using. Please refer to our platform-specific tutorials for more information.

  2. You assign products in Mothership to your retail partners. You can mix and match which products you assign to a particular retailer. A product can be assigned to more than one retailer and not every product must be assigned to a specific retailer.

    Importantly, a product cannot be assigned to a retailer until is has passed validation to ensure Mothership has all of the required product data.

  3. Your retail partner uses the Mothership Retailer app to select the products they want to sell and to import them into their store.

Assigning products to retailers

You can assign a product to a retailer in one of three ways:

Automatically assign all products to a retailer

Open up the retailer's configuration page in the Mothership Vendor Portal by clicking on Retailers in the menu on the left and then clicking on the retailer in the list on the next page. Scroll to the product availability section and select "All products published to Mothership" and then click the save button.

Products with a tag

Most ecommerce platforms support product tagging. As such, you can configure your partnership with the retailer so that any product that has a specific tag will be automatically assigned to the retailer. Products that do not have the tag will not be assigned.

Open up the retailer's configuration page in the Mothership Vendor Portal by clicking on Retailers in the menu on the left and then clicking on the retailer in the list on the next page. Scroll to the product availability section and select "Products with the following tag". Enter the tag in the field below and then click the save button.

Manual assignment

You can also manually assign or unassign products to a specific retailer. First, open up the retailer's configuration page in the Mothership Vendor Portal by clicking on Retailers in the menu on the left and then clicking on the retailer in the list on the next page. Scroll to the product availability section and select "Manually select products" and then click the save button.

Next, click on Products from the menu option on the left. On the product index page, find and then click on the product you want to assign to the retailer in order to be taken to the edit product page. Under the retailers section on the right, make sure the box is checked next to the retailer you want to assign the product to and then click save. If you want to unassign the product from the retailer, make sure the corresponding checkbox is unchecked and click the save button.

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