How do I connect to Retailers?

In this article

  • How do I connect with retailers on Mothership?
  • Do you have a list of retailers that use Mothership?
  • Can you find retailers for me to partner with?
  • How do I find retailers to work with?

How do I connect with retailers on Mothership?

Retailers invite vendors to connect with them on Mothership by sending the vendor an invite email through the Mothership retailer app. Currently, vendors do not have the ability to invite a retailer to connect with them on the platform. 

If you received in invite email, it will look something like the image below. You will want to copy the invite key (outlined in red in the example image below).

If you are just setting up a Mothership Vendor Portal account for the first time you will be prompted to connect with a retailer at the end of the onboarding process. If you already have an account, you can click on the retailers link in the menu on the left and then the blue Connect to Retailer button on the next page. In either path, you will be shown the modal below.

You will need to enter the key found in the invite email that you copied earlier. You will also need to specify the invoicing frequency and method for this retailer. Lastly, select a catalog you want to assign to the retailer. Once you click connect, the retailer will be able to import products from their assigned catalog and place orders for those items. 

Do you have a list of retailers that use Mothership?

Not at this time. 

Can you find retailers for me to partner with?

Unfortunately, we do not offer match-making services. Since you know your industry much better than we ever will, you are in a much better position to identify and reach out to potential partners.

How do I find retailers to work with?

Currently, we can work with any retailer that is on Shopify. You can identify a potential list of retailers by search google for " SEARCH_TERM_HERE" (e.g. model trains)

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